“Move on From ESG,” Urges Former BlackRock Exec

Paul Bodnar says the backlash against the controversial moniker in the US means it’s time to think beyond the concept.

Sustainable investing has outgrown the catch-all ‘ESG’ label and the financial world should move beyond it, according to former BlackRock global head of sustainable investing Paul Bodnar. That does not mean ditching sustainable investment altogether, as ESG’s political opponents in the US might wish, said Bodnar, who now works for…


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Australia’s Climate Wars Return to Investor Dismay

Division between the country’s main political parties has reopened, with a new fight emerging over 2030 emissions targets.

Investors have condemned an announcement by Australia’s opposition leader, Peter Dutton, that he would abandon the nation’s legally-binding 2030 emissions targets if he forms its next government. The surprise move, which critics say would force Australia out of the Paris Agreement and stall investment in renewable energy, re-ignites a decades-old…


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Take Five: Twin Peaks

A selection of the major stories impacting ESG investors, in five easy pieces. 

Developed countries have belatedly reached a target for climate finance, only to be set a new one for nature.

Ten years after – It might have taken them a little more than a decade, but at last they got there. Developed nations mobilised US$115.9 billion of climate finance for developing countries in 2022, it was revealed this week, exceeding for the first time the US$100 billion annual level set in Copenhagen in 2009. According to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), last year saw a record 30% annual rise in climate finance, meaning the target – originally unveiled at COP 15 – was reached two years late. The total includes more than US$20 billion in attributable private finance, as well as bilateral and multilateral public sector funding, plus export credits. Importantly, adaptation finance accounted for US$32.4 billion of the total – three times the 2016 level. Discussions on a New Collective Quantified Goal (NCQG) on climate finance for the post-2025 period, which made little progress at COP28, should progress next week’s Bonn Climate Conference, where the agenda will also include carbon credits, adaptation finance and the Global Stocktake, ahead of COP29. In anticipation of the NCQG, the OECD released an analysis recommending use of public sector interventions to directly or indirectly finance climate action. But measures to support the goals of the Paris Agreement must now sit alongside those needed to realise the objectives of the Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF). At a Nairobi summit that concluded yesterday, the UN Convention on Biological Diversity called for investments of at least US$200 billion a year from all sources, and for reform of US$500 billion in harmful subsidies to achieve the GBF’s Goal D: invest and collaborate for nature. These and other recommendations will be discussed at COP16 in Colombia in October.

Gap analysis – A lack of progress on gender equality in the workplace has been underlined by the International Labour Organization (ILO) in a report reflecting fewer jobs and lower pay for women, especially in low-income countries. According to an update to the ILO’s annual World Employment and Social Outlook, the ‘jobs gap’ – which measures the number of persons without a job but who want to work – stands at 22.8% for women in low-income countries, versus 15.3% for men. This contrasts with a gap

Human Rights as a Basis for Climate Litigation

Olga Hancock, Head of Responsible Investment, Church Commissioners for England, explores the implications for investors of the EHCR decision on Swiss government inaction.

In November 2023, I wrote about the links between human rights and climate change for investors. Since then, there have been significant developments. One in particular stands out.

Last month, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) determined that the Swiss government had violated its citizens’ human rights, due to its lack of action on climate change. The case – Verein KlimaSeniorinnen Schweiz v Switzerland – was brought by four women and a supporting association who were concerned about the consequences of climate change on their living conditions and health.

The ECHR ruling is significant because it makes the link between human rights and climate change material for investors – and establishes a legal precedent for climate litigation on the basis of human rights law. And so this ruling inevitably raises the pressure on governments to be more ambitious on climate change. The case is also important for investors because of the implications for private legal actions.

So what happened?

To simplify: the ECHR ruled that the Swiss government had not adequately addressed its climate change obligations and needed to take measures to do so. Significantly, these obligations were defined as alignment around 1.5°C, adequate intermediate reduction targets, and a goal of net zero by 2050. For the 46 member states of the ECHR, that effectively imposes obligations to enhance climate mitigation policies.

Engagement with governments

The decision hands investors an important weapon as they engage with governments to enhance climate ambition. Investor engagement with governments is an increasing area of focus, as investors move from a stewardship approach focused on company engagement to collaborative engagement with governments to address systemic risk – and thus create an enabling environment for sustainable investments.

Governments have to date been able to respond to investors by saying that their requests to create a Paris-aligned enabling environment form part of a broader political process. Now there is a judgment which requires ECHR member governments to comply with the ambition of the Paris Agreement.

This decision will no doubt guide other judicial bodies’ thinking around the world, when considering human rights as the basis for climate litigation. The jurisprudence in EHCR rulings, whilst not binding, is considered ‘persuasive authority’ in other jurisdictions, so the case is also important for engaging with governments outside

Investor Networks Distil Transition Guidance

Demand for transition-focused products grows as 1.5°C pathway falls out of sight.  

Several investor networks have consolidated their respective guidance on climate transition to help financial institutions measure investee company plans more robustly.  Building on foundational work launched last year, the Climate Bonds Initiative (CBI) partnered with the Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change (IIGCC), the Sustainable Markets Initiative (SMI), the Glasgow…


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A Solvable Problem

The world is off track to end deforestation, but accelerating financial sector and policy action could help change course. The fight to end deforestation is at a critical juncture ahead of a UN-backed recommendation for reaching net zero commodity-driven deforestation by 2025, as part of efforts to keep global warming…


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Countdown to 2025

Bert Kramer, Head of Climate Research at Ortec Finance, says we cannot discount the possibility of a transition-related financial crisis.

As the clock ticks down from the 2015 Paris Agreement, there is growing uncertainty that on our current trajectory the world is going to meet the stated goal to be net zero by 2050. As this target approaches and governments around the world come under increasing pressure to implement policy and other measures to reach it, the likelihood of a smooth, orderly transition to a low-carbon economy diminishes. Experience tells us that financial markets rarely react well to sudden shocks or forced changes.

Losses from stranded fossil fuel assets could result in a US$2.5 trillion loss in financial wealth. This represents some 2.5% of global stock market capitalisation. While this may not seem a significant figure, it is worth bearing in mind that subprime mortgages that started the 2008 Global Financial Crisis were worth less than US$0.5 trillion.

Identifying trigger points for such events ahead of time is inherently difficult, but there are a couple coming up that warrant further attention as they have the potential to catalyse a financial crisis. The submission of new nationally determined contributions (NDCs) by countries in time for COP30 next year is one and the forthcoming interim review of decarbonisation targets by some of the major investor groupings, such as the UN-convened Net Zero Asset Owner Alliance (NZAOA), is another.

Forecast overshoot

A key component of the Paris Agreement, NDCs are submitted every five years. They outline each signatory country’s plans to decarbonise their respective economies including a set of intermediate targets and the steps to reach net zero, which include the all-important policy action required to enforce compliance. The intention is that targets become more ambitious each time they are submitted.

The problem with the current set of NDCs is that they are not ambitious enough to limit global warming to below 1.5 or even 2° Celsius by 2100 and the current policy framework isn’t adequate to enforce them. According to the latest Carbon Action Tracker report, under the current NDCs a temperature increase of 2.5° Celsius by the end of the century is considered most likely with 2.1° Celsius regarded as being an optimistic outcome if all current and long-term commitments are adhered to. This forecast overshoot of the 2100 goal is likely to mount further pressure on governments to make next