Wildfire Area Burned by U.S. State in 2023


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June 8, 2024 Graphics/Design:

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Charted: Wildfire Area Burned by U.S. State in 2023

This was originally posted on our Voronoi app. Download the app for free on iOS or Android and discover incredible data-driven charts from a variety of trusted sources.

Wildfires have become a summer specter in North America, looming on the horizon as parts of the country warm and dry out.

We chart the total wildfire area burned in 2023 in the U.S., categorized by state, based on figures from the National Interagency Coordination Center.

Which U.S. States Saw the Most Area Burned by Wildfires?

Wildfires in California and Alaska together account for one-fourth of all land burned in the U.S. in 2023. Both states saw wildfire damage to more than 300,000 acres.

Zooming out, nearly half of the 2.7 million acres affected by wildfires in 2023 were concentrated in only five states.

RankStateAcres Burned (2023)% Of 2023
Acres Burned 1California332,72212% 2Alaska314,27612% 3New Mexico212,3788% 4Texas210,2648% 5Oregon202,0357% 6Arizona188,4837% 7Nebraska180,7337% 8Oklahoma162,4896% 9Washington151,3166% 10Montana123,1335% 11Florida99,6424% 12Idaho87,8013% 13North Carolina73,9533% 14Mississippi52,5082% 15West Virginia45,6792% 16Colorado41,9172% 17Louisiana22,1031% 18Alabama18,3351% 19Utah18,1091% 20New Jersey18,0331% 21Kansas17,9631% 22Tennessee15,3941% 23Virginia12,0850% 24Hawaii12,0590% 25Georgia10,3300% 26Pennsylvania9,6280% 27Missouri9,4990% 28Minnesota9,4160% 29Wyoming7,9340% 30Arkansas5,6590% 31Wisconsin4,8830% 32Maryland4,4860% 33Michigan4,2870% 34North Dakota4,1830% 35Ohio2,4690% 36Massachusetts1,4680% 37New York1,3830% 38Nevada1,3000% 39South Dakota9450% 40South Carolina5910% 41Rhode Island5820% 42Indiana5210% 43Maine3250% 44Connecticut2970% 45Illinois1110% 46Kentucky700% 47Vermont620% 48New Hampshire580% 49Iowa60% 50Delaware00% N/ATotal2,693,910N/A
Note: Figures rounded in the chart.

Due to hot, dry summers, Western states in particular see more wildfires. The New York Times notes that the American West has a Mediterranean climate where precipitation is concentrated around winter months. Thus the region’s hottest and driest months coincide.


Ranked: Top 10 Deadliest Animals for Humans


8 seconds ago


June 2, 2024 Graphics/Design:

See this visualization first on the Voronoi app.

Ranked: Top 10 Deadliest Animals for Humans

This was originally posted on our Voronoi app. Download the app for free on iOS or Android and discover incredible data-driven charts from a variety of trusted sources.

While running into wild animals in a forest can seem like the worst situation for humans, there are plenty of other animals that are far deadlier than large predators.

We rank the top 10 deadliest animals by the number of people killed per year. Data for this visualization and article is sourced from BBC Science Focus.

Spreaders of Diseases are Deadliest for Humans

Mosquitoes, of course, are the reigning champions on the toll they take on humans. Every year they kill more than 700,000 people through a multitude of deadly diseases—dengue, yellow fever, and malaria.

By some estimates, mosquitoes are responsible for the deaths of half of all the humans that have ever lived.

RankAnimalHumans Killed Annually 1🦟 Mosquitoes*725,000 2👫 Humans**400,000 3🐍 Snakes138,000 4🐕 Dogs*59,000 5🐜 Assassin Bugs*10,000 6🦂 Scorpions3,300 7🐊 Crocodiles1,000 8🐘 Elephants600 9🦛 Hippos500 10🦁 Lions200
Note: *Spreads diseases. **Homicides only.

Meanwhile, humans are (almost) their own worst enemies. Every year, nearly 400,000 homicides take place, making humans the second-deadliest animal for other human beings. And this doesn’t account for all the human-caused accidents that result in fatalities.

At fourth place, dogs may be our best friends, but as a carrier of the deadly rabies virus, they end up fourth on the list of top 10 deadliest animals.

Rounding out the top five are assassin bugs, which spread the parasite that causes Chagas disease, a condition that can go untreated for years and can result in serious complications that make it life-threatening.

Large mammals, including lions, hippos, and elephants round out the top 10. Interestingly, bears kill around one person a year on average and wouldn’t be anywhere close to making this list of the deadliest animals.