More Ambition Needed from AMs on Fossil Fuels

Existing investment and engagement policies are not up to par with challenges, according to ShareAction. 

Asset managers have been asked to ramp up the robustness of their climate-focused investment and engagement policies for fossil fuel companies.  In a guidance paper, responsible investment charity ShareAction addressed fossil fuel policies, recommending asset managers take a more purposeful and effective approach to investing in and engaging with the…


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ISSB Takes Reins on Transition Reporting

Chair Emmanuel Faber reflects on two years of rapid standard-setting progress at this year’s IFRS conference, as NBIM chief compliance officer warns against “regulatory soup”. 

The IFRS Foundation’s International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) will continue to push for cohesion across the sustainability reporting space, as it extends its reach to transition plan disclosures and deepens partnerships with other standard-setting bodies.  “It’s critical that there is one way of doing [transition plans] disclosure and not 20…


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Morningstar Expands Social Offering with LGBTQ+ Index

The first of its kind for institutional investors, the product was created to meet growing demand and is powered by increased data availability.

Morningstar’s recently released Developed Markets LGBTQ+ Leaders Index has looked to answer growing interest from institutional investors, with social-focused products still lagging behind environmental offerings. The new index offers investors exposure to 100 large- and mid-cap companies showing strong LGBTQ+ inclusive policies and practices from a range of regions and…


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Policy Taskforce will Drive Government Action on Net Zero

Appointments signal growing momentum behind UN-sponsored efforts to promote policy consistency to support non-state actors’ commitments.  

The recently-confirmed members of a taskforce created to increase the quality and consistency of private sector net zero pledges are targeting COP29 for their assessment of enabling environments in Group of 20 (G20) countries.   The Taskforce on Net Zero Policy will play a pivotal role in ensuring policymakers effectively enable…


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Quarter of Companies Align with 1.5°C Pathway

CDP’s latest assessment of climate transition plan disclosures shows a “significant and much needed stride” towards corporate accountability.

Corporates are increasingly on the right track towards enhanced transparency and accountability on climate transition plans, a new industry survey has shown. In its latest analysis, environmental disclosure platform CDP found that one in four (5,909) of the 23,200 companies using its framework claimed to have 1.5°C-aligned climate transition plans…


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Investors Seek Certainty on Deep-sea Mining

ISA negotiations rumble on in the background, while shareholder dissent and DSM legal challenges are on the rise.  

Despite ongoing regulatory uncertainty, a growing number of investors and NGOs are drawing a line in the sand and challenging companies and governments on deep-sea mining (DSM).   While those in favour of DSM have claimed it is necessary to ensure there are enough critical minerals available to power the energy…


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UBS AM, Planet Tracker Seek to Mitigate Nature Risks

New report highlights problems faced by investors with the longevity of solar and wind assets, and potential impacts on habitats.

UBS Asset Management (AM) and Planet Tracker have joined their efforts to support investors providing finance for renewable energy solutions and mitigate harms to nature. In a new report, they provided a guide for industry practitioners on how best to integrate nature when looking at solutions for the energy transition…


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Fixing Capital Flows Crucial to Augment Nature Finance

The impact of biodiversity-related disclosures will be limited without the right economic incentives to stimulate private sector support ahead of COP16 this October.

The repurposing of existing finance and the creation of an enabling environment for private finance are essential to boost efforts to address biodiversity-related risks and preserve nature, attendees at the UN Convention on Biological Diversity have said. Meeting in Nairobi, Kenya, for the Fourth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on…


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Room Remains for Voluntary Reporting, says CDP

New platform consolidates existing questionnaires to streamline companies’ reporting efforts. 

Although governments around the world are increasingly mandating sustainability reporting requirements, there is still a place for voluntary disclosure frameworks, according to Sue Armstrong Brown, Director of Thought Leadership and Impact at global non-profit disclosure platform CDP.  “CDP prepared the market for the advent of mandatory disclosure,” she told ESG…


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Agility Paramount to Net Zero Investing – CFA Institute

Divergence in views on universal ownership as investment professionals align on data concerns. 

A flexible mindset and systems thinking is paramount for investors looking to align their investment strategies with a net zero future, industry thought leaders have determined.   New research published by the CFA Institute Research and Policy Center, which draws on insights from 20 investment industry experts, has outlined the strategic…


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