Africa’s Untapped Opportunity

Eva Warigia, Associate Director, Investor Relations at New Forests, explains how responsibly-managed plantation forestry in Sub-Saharan Africa is becoming an increasingly attractive asset class.

The African continent hosts 17% of the world’s forests. However, nearly four million hectares of these are lost each year, leading to a 3% loss of gross domestic product associated with soil and nutrient depletion, according to a report by the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization. The report points out…


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Investors Harness AI to Halt Deforestation

Technology is playing a “groundbreaking” role in PRI stewardship programme, which is gearing up to engage target companies across multiple sectors.

Advances in artificial intelligence (AI) have allowed global asset owners to take a novel approach to company engagement, through a campaign aimed at halting the destruction of the world’s tropical forests. Spring, a stewardship initiative launched last year by the UN-supported Principles for Responsible Investment, uses the large language models…


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