ISSB Takes Reins on Transition Reporting

Chair Emmanuel Faber reflects on two years of rapid standard-setting progress at this year’s IFRS conference, as NBIM chief compliance officer warns against “regulatory soup”. 

The IFRS Foundation’s International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) will continue to push for cohesion across the sustainability reporting space, as it extends its reach to transition plan disclosures and deepens partnerships with other standard-setting bodies.  “It’s critical that there is one way of doing [transition plans] disclosure and not 20…


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Room Remains for Voluntary Reporting, says CDP

New platform consolidates existing questionnaires to streamline companies’ reporting efforts. 

Although governments around the world are increasingly mandating sustainability reporting requirements, there is still a place for voluntary disclosure frameworks, according to Sue Armstrong Brown, Director of Thought Leadership and Impact at global non-profit disclosure platform CDP.  “CDP prepared the market for the advent of mandatory disclosure,” she told ESG…


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ISSB Chair: Global Adoption is “Mission Possible”

Increased interoperability between developed and developing markets, as well as with other reporting rules, remains a priority. 

Adoption of the IFRS Foundation International Sustainability Standards Board’s (ISSB) climate and sustainability reporting rules is gathering pace, with 20 jurisdictions having announced plans to implement the standards.  “When standing on the main stage at COP26 [to announce the launch of the ISSB], not everyone felt this was possible,” said…


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