Investor Stewardship at a Crossroads

Rickard Nilsson, Head of Stewardship Success at Esgaia, considers how asset owners can maximise long-term impact at a time of regulatory uncertainty.

Capital markets play a key role in influencing resource mobilisation. At a time when political division is delaying needed policy action, investors find themselves at a crossroads over how to act amid regulatory uncertainty.

Capitalism is governed by existing hard and soft law. As intermediaries with obligations to clients and end-beneficiaries, institutional investors are bound to play by those rules. Trying to play a more ethical game in anticipation of a developing rule book will put an organisation’s competitiveness at risk.

How can investors position against this, and implement a stewardship strategy that maximises impact over the long term for both clients and society at large?

The purpose of investor stewardship

The investment stewardship ecosystem reflects a complex web of stakeholder relationships and interests. From the underlying assets and the institutions owning them to clients, civil society, and the public sector, a myriad of actors influence industry practices, norms and policies.

From an investor perspective, the stewarding of assets generally entails selecting a board of directors who in turn assign and oversee management for the strategy and daily running of the asset. Investors can then choose to monitor and engage the asset, e.g. to build trust and align on longer-term plans. Engagement dialogues also play an important role in setting expectations and as an accountability mechanism when performance is lacking.

As evidenced in literature, and by the experience of many investors, good management practices are not adopted by many organisations because of cognitive, knowledge, incentive and capability barriers. Unsurprisingly then, research suggests that successful investment stewardship can increase returns, lower risks, and empower real-world outcomes – but needs to become more effective to have the intended impact.

The current state

Historically, investment stewardship has focused on individual company performance, generally perceived as high-cost monitoring. Normally only investors with large stakes would have sufficient ‘skin in the game’ to engage with a firm and undertake restructurings that truly increase productivity and investment efficiency. Today, practices are changing with institutional investors representing the single largest category of investors in public equity markets, and with the majority of portfolio performance due to overall economic development.

Most institutional investors’ portfolios now consist of hundreds, if not thousands, of holdings. Therefore, it seems obvious that investment stewardship should focus on reducing non-diversifiable/ market-wide

New Guide Calls for SLB Simplicity

A think tank’s handbook looks to tackle investor confusion over sustainability-linked bonds.

The Anthropocene Fixed Income Institute (AFII) has addressed the need for simplicity around sustainability-linked bonds (SLBs), aiming to assist investors in capitalising on their full potential. The non-profit recently released a handbook on sustainability-linked bonds to guide practitioners in their understanding of SLBs and help scale the market for these…


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Investors Seek Clarity on Banks’ Green Finance

HSBC AGM sparks controversy as ShareAction flags continued lack of targets and transparency over sector’s sustainability claims.

NGO ShareAction has declared it will continue to aid investors in their push for transparency into HSBC’s green finance investment pledge, highlighting endemic issues across the banking sector.

The decision followed the HSBC’s most recent AGM, at which a coalition of shareholders requested the bank explicitly set out how it intends to use the money it has earmarked for sustainable finance and establish a renewable energy funding target. HSBC has previously said it would target between US$750 billion and US$1 trillion by 2030.

The 16-strong investor group that asked the question during HSBC’s AGM represents US$892 billion in assets, including the likes Ethos Foundation, Epworth Investment Management, Royal London Asset Management, and Sweden’s Folksam pension fund. Following the meeting, HSBC agreed to meet with ShareAction and investors to discuss its green finance strategy before the 2025 AGM.

Jeanne Martin, Head of Banking Programme at ShareAction, told ESG Investor that the news was “broadly very positive” as it showed the bank’s willingness to consider investor expectations and demands on green finance.

“What we’d like to achieve is a bit more of a conversation, and really clarify what we’re after by providing context to our requests,” she added. “We also want the bank to hear from shareholders directly. It’s one thing to hear from ShareAction, but it’s another to really get confirmation that they care about this issue and want to see the bank move on green finance.”

By the end of the 2024 AGM season, ShareAction will have asked a total 24 questions at the AGMs of 17 European banks this year, including eight specifically focused on green finance. The advocacy has indicated its intention to attend the upcoming AGMs of BNP Paribas (14 May), Crédit Agricole and Société Générale (22 May).

Industry-wide issue

Last November, research from ShareAction found that Europe’s top 20 banks – including HSBC – successfully promoted their green finance credentials, but lacked transparency on green finance activity, leaving them and their investors exposed to greenwashing allegations.

“As investors, we are looking for as much transparency as possible from our portfolio companies, [and] clearly defined targets help us understand and evaluate their climate

The Long Game

Approaching his 20th anniversary in responsible investing, Rathbones Stewardship Director Matt Crossman reflects on the evolution of stewardship and highlights the power of collective action.

“Responsible investing can mean so much more than voting, but it can’t ever be less than that,” Matt Crossman, Stewardship Director at Rathbones Group, told ESG Investor as part of a conversation during which he reflected over his career. “The core responsibility of a sustainable investor is to use their rights and influence in the companies they own.”

And as a 20-year veteran in responsible investing, Crossman certainly has borne witness to just how far investor engagement can come.

“Stewardship is far more embedded and widespread as a concept,” he said. “Today, no one would argue that investors shouldn’t be conducting stewardship activities.”

A nascent sector

When Crossman joined Rathbones Greenbank Investments – Rathbones’ in-house boutique for ESG investments – as an ethical researcher in 2004, sustainability data wasn’t readily obtainable.

“Greenbank ran its own screening database and my job was to look after it, for example trawling through news sources, aggregating data, and uncovering granular insights on the UK’s largest companies and a few international firms,” he said. “It gave me a grounding in how companies work and their approach to sustainability.”

At that time, the Greenbank team wrote to FTSE companies every year to encourage voluntary disclosures. Crossman was involved in the letter-writing campaign, but recalled it “became obvious that we had influence back the other way”.

After taking on an engagement manager role in 2006, he became much more aware of Greenbank’s main clients, which were large charities, religious faith groups and celebrities. “Clearly, they wanted financial products more aligned with their values,” he said. “Having the long-term best interest of your underlying beneficiaries at heart is the basis of stewardship.”

The first annual general meeting (AGM) Crossman attended was Shell’s that same year, where Rathbones co-filed a resolution asking the oil and gas giant to do a better job on ESG risk management. “There wasn’t the big institutional buy-in [seen today], so we used the minutiae of UK company law to get Greenbank’s individual investor clients to co-file resolutions,” he said.

The engagement initiative had quite an effect, sparking off a debate in the UK around shareholder voice.

“We realised that not only do we have the financial stuff to think about, but also stewardship influence and voting rights,” Crossman added.

All About the Outcomes

Measuring the impacts of stewardship is far from simple, even as technological innovation begins to smooth the way. 

When it comes to driving sustainability-related performance at portfolio companies, stewardship is one of the most effective tools currently at investors’ disposal. 

As evidenced during ESG Investor’s Stewardship Summit last month, asset owners are increasingly focused on the outcomes of high-quality engagement – as opposed to the number of engagements undertaken each year. 

“Asset owners are increasingly attuned to the fact that financially material risks linked to system-level issues – such as climate change, biodiversity collapse or social instability – are largely undiversifiable,” Clara Melot, Stewardship Specialist at the UN-convened Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), tells ESG Investor. “As fiduciaries, they may have a legal obligation to consider what they can do to mitigate risks and act accordingly – this is where outcomes-focused stewardship comes into play.” 

If an investor has engaged with a carbon-intensive company on its climate-related ambition, a positive outcome may be that it sets decarbonisation targets to include Scope 3 emissions, or that it develops and publishes a transition plan aligned with the UK-based Transition Plan Taskforce’s guidance 

In contrast, a negative outcome may be that the company refuses to raise its ambition, or ditches climate solutions funding altogether.  

The importance of measuring and disclosing such outcomes is also coming into sharper focus thanks to an increase in frameworks, codes and regulations requiring investors to provide robust disclosures on their stewardship activities with portfolio companies.  

However, despite emerging technology-driven tools designed to streamline the engagement process, measuring the effectiveness of stewardship outcomes remains challenging for asset owners and asset managers for a plethora of reasons – such as a lack of standardised metrics, accurate attribution, limited visibility, to name but a few. 

“Asset owners have always been keen to take an outcomes- and materiality-focused approach to stewardship as part of their fiduciary duties,” notes Caroline Escott, Senior Investment Manager for Active Ownership at UK pension fund Railpen. “This approach is fundamental to help asset owners make the most of a finite level of stewardship resource and ensure they push managers on the critical issues that matter most to