Take Five: Goodnight Vienna

A selection of the major stories impacting ESG investors, in five easy pieces. 

A big step forward was taken this week by Europe to protect nature, or was it?

Viennese waltz – Sighs of relief rather than celebratory cheers greeted the formal adoption of the Nature Restoration Law (NRL) by the Council of the European Union. The NRL, which commits to restoring at least 20% of member states’ land and sea areas by 2030, had failed to secure sufficient backing from governments in March. And it only scraped through this week after Austria’s climate and environment minister defied senior coalition partners, prompting fury and threats of legal action from Chancellor Karl Nehammer. It remains possible that the NRL – which barely survived a bumpy passage through the European Parliament last year – could yet face a reverse. This would be embarrassing for Europe to say the least, and far from helpful to efforts in Colombia in October to build out the Global Biodiversity Framework, particularly given the limited progress made on setting COP16’s agenda at an interim summit in Kenya last month. Even if the NRL remains untrammelled by Austrian political strife, intergovernmental negotiations on how its objectives are met via member states’ national restoration plans will be instructive, given Europe’s recently redrawn electoral landscape.

The next big thing – It can take a long time to become an overnight success. And many other factors besides. Chipmaker Nvidia took 25 years to reach a market capitalisation of US$1 trillion, before more than trebling in value to US$3.3 trillion in 12 months, overtaking Microsoft and Apple this week to become the world’s largest company. The firm’s meteoric rise stems from its strong positioning to profit from the explosion of investment in AI, which is rapidly expanding beyond the IT sector to early adopters in fields such as finance and healthcare, and predicted use cases elsewhere. But does Nvidia deserve a place in a sustainable investment portfolio? The California-based firm’s ESG scores are impressive, which is not a given for a sector known for resource consumption, especially water. But a bigger sustainability question might be raised with regard to Nvidia’s client base, which has yet to prove it can deliver on AI’s promises reliably or ethically. Governance concerns and social risks have worried policymakers and investors increasingly, with rules being introduced in multiple jurisdictions and questions being asked at the recent

IGGiQ Targets Level Playing Field for UK Pension Funds

Data-driven platform seeks to empower mid-tier trustees and sponsors with rollout of ESG-focused module.

The information shortfalls facing smaller pension schemes when developing sustainable investment strategies are the inspiration for Independent Governance Group’s (IGG) recently released IGGiQ tool, which aims to improve ESG data integration and management. The UK-based pensions trusteeship and governance services provider has partnered with ESG data and investment solutions firm…


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EU Approves Nature Restoration Law

Austria’s unexpected support means the flagship biodiversity legislation will pass despite opposition from farmers.

EU member states have approved the bloc’s central biodiversity policy, the Nature Restoration Law, after Austria made a surprise last-minute decision to back the legislation. As a result, EU members will now be subject to the most comprehensive set of biodiversity targets in the bloc’s history. The unexpected twist will,…


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What Europe’s Rightward Shift Means for Investors

The EU has engaged in a flurry of sustainable lawmaking in the past five years, but right-wing groups’ growing influence in parliament may imperil the achievements of its Green Deal.

As the European parliamentary election results trickled in on Sunday evening, it quickly became clear that the polls were correct: Europe had lurched to the right. Greens and liberals lost seats. Climate-sceptic far-right parties gained them, most dramatically in France and Germany. And while across Europe the dominant alliance between…


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Fixing Capital Flows Crucial to Augment Nature Finance

The impact of biodiversity-related disclosures will be limited without the right economic incentives to stimulate private sector support ahead of COP16 this October.

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Take Five: Twin Peaks

A selection of the major stories impacting ESG investors, in five easy pieces. 

Developed countries have belatedly reached a target for climate finance, only to be set a new one for nature.

Ten years after – It might have taken them a little more than a decade, but at last they got there. Developed nations mobilised US$115.9 billion of climate finance for developing countries in 2022, it was revealed this week, exceeding for the first time the US$100 billion annual level set in Copenhagen in 2009. According to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), last year saw a record 30% annual rise in climate finance, meaning the target – originally unveiled at COP 15 – was reached two years late. The total includes more than US$20 billion in attributable private finance, as well as bilateral and multilateral public sector funding, plus export credits. Importantly, adaptation finance accounted for US$32.4 billion of the total – three times the 2016 level. Discussions on a New Collective Quantified Goal (NCQG) on climate finance for the post-2025 period, which made little progress at COP28, should progress next week’s Bonn Climate Conference, where the agenda will also include carbon credits, adaptation finance and the Global Stocktake, ahead of COP29. In anticipation of the NCQG, the OECD released an analysis recommending use of public sector interventions to directly or indirectly finance climate action. But measures to support the goals of the Paris Agreement must now sit alongside those needed to realise the objectives of the Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF). At a Nairobi summit that concluded yesterday, the UN Convention on Biological Diversity called for investments of at least US$200 billion a year from all sources, and for reform of US$500 billion in harmful subsidies to achieve the GBF’s Goal D: invest and collaborate for nature. These and other recommendations will be discussed at COP16 in Colombia in October.

Gap analysis – A lack of progress on gender equality in the workplace has been underlined by the International Labour Organization (ILO) in a report reflecting fewer jobs and lower pay for women, especially in low-income countries. According to an update to the ILO’s annual World Employment and Social Outlook, the ‘jobs gap’ – which measures the number of persons without a job but who want to work – stands at 22.8% for women in low-income countries, versus 15.3% for men. This contrasts with a gap

Decarbonisation Culture

Head of Sustainability at CDPQ, Bertrand Millot, highlights the pension fund’s focus on decarbonising the real economy, as well as comprehensively divesting from the oil industry.

Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec (CDPQ), the Canadian pension fund with net assets of C$434 billion (US$319 billion), recently completed its full withdrawal from oil production and thermal coal mining – thereby becoming one of the first institutional investors to have done so. This achievement was one of…


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