“Move on From ESG,” Urges Former BlackRock Exec

Paul Bodnar says the backlash against the controversial moniker in the US means it’s time to think beyond the concept.

Sustainable investing has outgrown the catch-all ‘ESG’ label and the financial world should move beyond it, according to former BlackRock global head of sustainable investing Paul Bodnar. That does not mean ditching sustainable investment altogether, as ESG’s political opponents in the US might wish, said Bodnar, who now works for…


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Exxon Investors Signal Growing Ill Will

Shareholder dissent over “governance failure” expected to intensify, after dip in director support at AGM.  

ExxonMobil breathed a sigh of relief on 29 May when its nominated directors were re-elected, but shareholder dissatisfaction will continue to be felt.  The oil and gas major’s annual general meeting (AGM) was widely anticipated, with several shareholders pre-declaring their intention to vote against the appointment of company directors, in…


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US Seeks to Boost Carbon Market Credibility

Policies and principles aim to heighten VCM participation and support investment in developing markets’ clean energy transition.

New guidelines unveiled by the US government will improve trust in the voluntary carbon market (VCM) by reinforcing the need for high integrity carbon credits, according to market participants. Three US government departments issued a Joint Statement of Policy and new Principles for Responsible Participation which outlined practices to support…


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Investors Must Resist Anti-green Lobby

Barack Obama’s former Deputy Treasury Secretary warned investors against “intellectual surrender” to fossil fuel sector and climate change deniers.

Investors should expect a wave of lobbying from the fossil fuel sector as the switch to cleaner energy sources gathers pace, a former senior US Treasury official in Barack Obama’s administration has warned. Sarah Bloom Raskin, who was US Deputy Treasury Secretary from 2014 to 2017, said investors must help…


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Sunnier Outlook for California Climate Reporting

Further pushback is expected, but experts say the global climate transition makes disclosure rules inevitable.  

Initial details of California’s May budget have given the industry reassurance that the state’s landmark climate disclosure laws are set to receive the necessary funding to support their slated 2026 implementation date.   Unveiled in January, the original budget proposal for 2024-25 had left out the funding required to implement the…


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Natural Gas Threatens Canadian Taxonomy

Despite warnings on its climate impact, demand for Canadian liquefied natural gas continues to grow.

Industry experts have expressed concern on the potential inclusion of natural gas in Canada’s proposed taxonomy and the way it could undermine its domestic and international credibility.

Launched in 2021, the Canadian Sustainable Finance Action Council delivered a roadmap report detailing the taxonomy’s approach and governance structure the following year – setting the path for further progress. The council completed its three-year mandate on 31 March.

But progress on the taxonomy has been slow. Research from Canadian environmental advocacy organisation Environmental Defence pointed to reports suggesting that internal government conflicts around the place of natural gas in the taxonomy had stalled its release.

“There was significant pressure for the taxonomy to specifically allow liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports as a transition-labelled activity, even though there is scientific consensus that averting the worst impacts of climate change requires the rapid phase-out of fossil gas,” Adam Scott, Executive Director at Shift: Action for Pension Wealth and Planet Health, told ESG Investor.

He added that the inclusion of gas in the Canadian taxonomy was “entirely unworkable” and a “recipe for additional greenwashing”.

“Institutional investors should listen to experts [and] be sceptical of any claims made by the LNG industry about its role in our future energy system,” said Scott.

Crushing credibility

The environmental impacts of natural gas, particularly LNG, are high. Methane, the primary component of LNG, has a global warming potential around 82 times higher than CO2 when burned as a fuel.

“Wrongfully labelling gas as ‘sustainable under this taxonomy would entirely squash its international credibility,” warned Julie Segal, Senior Manager for Climate Finance at Environmental Defence, adding that the inclusion of fossil fuels that do not align with climate goals would also defeat its purpose.

“If Canada diverts further from science it will not only be embarrassing, but will invalidate all of the work that has gone into creating a tool that helps clean up and align our financial system with climate action.”

Ahead of the publication of the UK’s own taxonomy, the CEOs of three major sustainable investment organisations echoed similar concerns on the inclusion of natural gas –