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Value Partners Group's David Townsend: Unlocking the potential of China's A-share market

Value Partners Group's David Townsend: Unlocking the potential of China's A-share market

Investment Week

Yet, the journey has been marked by a divergence between economic growth and stock market returns. Despite China’s economy consistently boasting growth rates exceeding 9% annually since Deng Xiaoping’s initiation of economic reforms in 1978, returns from the domestic A-share market have lagged, averaging just 4.40% annually according to the MSCI China A Onshore index (data: December 2000 – December 2023). M&G’s Fedeli: Taking on the CIO role, ‘the big industry disruptor’ and global opportunities But changes are occurring that mean investors should adopt a fresh perspective when consid…

The full article is available here. This article was published at Investment Week.

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