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RBC Brewin Dolphin's Janet Mui: Why chip and oil stocks can gel in portfolios

RBC Brewin Dolphin's Janet Mui: Why chip and oil stocks can gel in portfolios

Investment Week

Our view is that the key factors that drove high inflation, including loose monetary policy, fiscal largesse and supply constraints, have mostly reversed. While the US job market remains tight, the supply-demand imbalance in labour has improved meaningfully. The ratio of job openings to the number of unemployed has dropped from a high of 2.0 in mid-2022 to 1.3 in March 2024. Even as job gains remained strong, wage growth continued to slow due to higher immigration (hence a bigger pool of available workers). BoE hold ‘made sense’ amid General Election-induced ‘vow of silence’ …

The full article is available here. This article was published at Investment Week.

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