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Kepler Partners' Alan Ray: Reports of investment trusts' demise are greatly exaggerated

Kepler Partners' Alan Ray: Reports of investment trusts' demise are greatly exaggerated

Investment Week

One thing I have learned in my career is that the day you relax and walk into work thinking ‘I have got this’ is the day that things start to unravel. That is not at all meant to be a bleak assessment of the world of work, and it is equally important not to spend one’s career in a permanent state of paranoia. But a little bit of stress can be quite invigorating, no? The investment trust sector had its own ‘I have got this’ moment in 2022, when interest rates finally rose around the world and while the most obvious effect was felt in those trusts we loosely refer to as alternatives, eq…

The full article is available here. This article was published at Investment Week.

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