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Friday Briefing: No white rabbits but where was the British ISA?

Friday Briefing: No white rabbits but where was the British ISA?

Investment Week

Quoting Lucinda Light, and it appears that from the Tories and Labour, not really anything new apparently. This week, the UK was given the rundown of what the next four to five years could look like as almost all the major political parties unveiled their manifestos. Friday Briefing: How Rishi Sunak dealt a blow to investment trusts The Lib Dems, Conservatives, Greens and Labour all outlined their plans for the UK if they gain the keys to Number 10 on 4 July, with Reform UK’s pledges due next week. Tackling the two primary parties’ declarations and there were, surprisingly, no …

The full article is available here. This article was published at Investment Week.

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