High interest rates and geopolitical risks sparks despondency over investors’ 12-month returns

According to a RAW Capital Partners survey of 756 UK-based investors, just 47% said they were satisfied with the performance of their portfolio over the past 12 months. Only around 40% confident their investments will perform well in the coming year, with inflation and higher rates coming in as the main detractors. Nick Train: Frequent trading and overdiversification lead to poor investment strategies The results found that 45% of respondents claimed high inflation has complicated the management of their investments with 32% noting that rising interest rates have negatively impacte…

Nick Train: Frequent trading and overdiversification lead to poor investment strategies

Speaking in a weekly webinar held by QuotedData, Train argued that portfolios “never really stay stable long enough to get the benefit of a good investment”, as a result of trading too frequently.  He noted that some investors tend to overdiversify their portfolios, which can often result in unintended changes in holdings ratio. “Suddenly [you] look up and realise, ‘I thought I was running a concentrated portfolio, but actually I have got 70% stocks now and I do not really know why I own half of them’,” Train stated. “We have disciplined ourselves to try and avoid those types of mista…

FTSE ‘paddling sideways’ as dividends propped up by takeovers and buybacks

According to analysis from AJ Bell, analysts are predicting a 1% dividend growth for the FTSE 100 in 2024 to £78.6bn and a 7% increase in 2025 to £83.9bn. The latter figure remains shy of 2018’s all time high of £85.2bn. Global dividends hit Q1 record of $339.2bn UK large cap companies in the FTSE index have already announced plans for £38.5bn to be made available in share buybacks this year, with an additional £3bn in special dividends from HSBC. The FTSE 250 is also forecasting dividends of £10.8bn in addition to the £38.2bn worth of live or completed takeover offers, while the F…

AEW to adopt ‘Sustainability Impact’ SDR label for UK Impact fund

Effective from 31 July 2024 – when the voluntary use of the four labels comes into force – AEW’s UK Impact fund will adopt the ‘Sustainability Impact’ label, after receiving authorisation from the regulator to do so. The other three labels available are ‘Sustainability Focus’, ‘Sustainability Improvers’ and ‘Sustainability Mixed Goals’. PIMFA calls for a year delay to SDR portfolio management rules Under the labelling requirements, the fund will commit to achieving sustainability and impact objectives, AEW explained. The strategy has adopted a bespoke impact management and measu…

L&G launches DC private markets offer and target date fund range

The L&G Private Markets Access Fund – which will be available for DC schemes to invest in directly and via a newly launched range of target date funds, the L&G Lifetime Advantage Funds – will offer a single point of access to a diversified portfolio of private market assets, including private equity, real estate, private credit and infrastructure. FCA approves Legal & General’s first private markets LTAF The fund is structured as a fund of funds with an investment in a new private markets long-term asset fund (LTAF) – the Legal & General Private Markets LTAF – sitting alongside exposu…

Royal London AM equity veteran Martin Cholwill dies

In a LinkedIn post, his wife Hilary said Cholwill had battled prostate cancer for six years and died on 20 June. “We know that Martin was loved and respected by many that worked with him. He had a long and successful career and was very proud of everything he achieved,” she wrote. “Martin continued working through his initial cancer treatment in 2018 and through Covid before retiring a couple of years ago. “Sadly, at the start of this year, we learned that Martin had only a few months left with us.” Cholwill started his career in 1983 at AXA Investment Managers, where he served as …

ETC Group and HANetf team up on Web 3.0 ETF

The ETC Group Web 3.0 UCITS ETF will include 20 companies with exposure to four key themes that drive Web3 growth – non-fungible tokens and tokenisation, blockchain technology, metaverse and big data and artificial intelligence. “We are delighted to be partnering with ETC Group to launch ETC Group Web 3.0 UCITS ETF,” said Hector McNeil, co-founder and co-CEO of HANetf. “The ETF is the first opportunity for investors in Europe to invest in a Web 3.0 ETF. This theme is still nascent, and the ETF potentially offers investors the chance to capture this transformational shift.” Harbor Capi…

Four Graphs explaining the investment trusts worth buying

At the time of publication, there are only 23 investment trusts across the entire Association of Investment Companies universe which are on a premium, with the rest running on a discount. With the majority of the universe effectively ‘on offer’, Investment Week asked experts to highlight which discounts were not a reflection of inherent company issues, but rather the market mis-pricing a decent investment option.

Does Basel’s op risk internal loss multiplier add up?

Does Basel’s op risk internal loss multiplier add up? – Risk.net End of drawer navigation content Skip to main content

As US agencies mull capital reforms, one regulator questions past losses as an indicator of future op risk

As they attempt to implement the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision’s giant post-crisis package of capital reforms, US regulators could be dancing in the dark.

Its prudential agencies need to toe a delicate line between trying to produce a final rule that has bipartisan support ahead of the November presidential election – while also avoiding major deviations from the Basel III text that might alienate other global regulators.

One of the obvious ways to square this circle would be to eliminate any components of the July 2023 package that would make the US Basel Endgame tougher than the equivalent rules adopted in Europe.

Republican rule-maker Travis Hill – Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation vice-chair – has already flagged up one such component in the operational risk framework.

I suspect the proposal overstates our ability to understand and predict operational riskTravis Hill, FDIC

Basel proposes the new standardised approach to op risk should include an internal loss multiplier that would adjust each bank’s capital requirements based on the previous 10 years of historical op risk losses. Yet it also gives individual jurisdictions the discretion to set the multiplier to one – a discretion the European Union has already exercised, but in its first draft, the US has not.

In a response to the proposals in July last year, Hill said he thought it should.

“The proposal states definitively, ‘Higher historical operational losses are associated with higher future operational risk exposure’,” said Hill. “I suspect the proposal overstates our ability to understand and predict operational risk.”

It’s not just a case of political compromise – thanks to industry initiatives, we have the data to analyse whether Hill’s suspicions are correct.

ORX News, which provides Risk.net with monthly data on op risk losses, now has figures going back more than a decade. Its parent, the Operational Riskdata Exchange Association was founded – ironically enough – to collect op risk data for the advanced measurement approach to op

Investors Urged to Prioritise Nature Markets

Updates from PRI Spring and the TNFD also showcase efforts to enhance accountability on nature-related impacts.

Industry experts have highlighted the importance of nature investments and potential risks arising from their underfunding, amid increased regulatory attention. Speaking at City & Financial Global’s Biodiversity and Nature Markets Summit 2024, Rhian-Mari Thomas, CEO of the Green Finance Institute (GFI), suggested that economic prosperity and financial stability could not…


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