Human Rights as a Basis for Climate Litigation

Olga Hancock, Head of Responsible Investment, Church Commissioners for England, explores the implications for investors of the EHCR decision on Swiss government inaction.

In November 2023, I wrote about the links between human rights and climate change for investors. Since then, there have been significant developments. One in particular stands out.

Last month, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) determined that the Swiss government had violated its citizens’ human rights, due to its lack of action on climate change. The case – Verein KlimaSeniorinnen Schweiz v Switzerland – was brought by four women and a supporting association who were concerned about the consequences of climate change on their living conditions and health.

The ECHR ruling is significant because it makes the link between human rights and climate change material for investors – and establishes a legal precedent for climate litigation on the basis of human rights law. And so this ruling inevitably raises the pressure on governments to be more ambitious on climate change. The case is also important for investors because of the implications for private legal actions.

So what happened?

To simplify: the ECHR ruled that the Swiss government had not adequately addressed its climate change obligations and needed to take measures to do so. Significantly, these obligations were defined as alignment around 1.5°C, adequate intermediate reduction targets, and a goal of net zero by 2050. For the 46 member states of the ECHR, that effectively imposes obligations to enhance climate mitigation policies.

Engagement with governments

The decision hands investors an important weapon as they engage with governments to enhance climate ambition. Investor engagement with governments is an increasing area of focus, as investors move from a stewardship approach focused on company engagement to collaborative engagement with governments to address systemic risk – and thus create an enabling environment for sustainable investments.

Governments have to date been able to respond to investors by saying that their requests to create a Paris-aligned enabling environment form part of a broader political process. Now there is a judgment which requires ECHR member governments to comply with the ambition of the Paris Agreement.

This decision will no doubt guide other judicial bodies’ thinking around the world, when considering human rights as the basis for climate litigation. The jurisprudence in EHCR rulings, whilst not binding, is considered ‘persuasive authority’ in other jurisdictions, so the case is also important for engaging with governments outside

IoT is Driving Sustainable Battery Surge

Dorian Maillard, Vice President at DAI Magister, explains the challenges and opportunities facing the growing market in efficient, eco-friendly power solutions.

In the expansive landscape of the Internet of Things (IoT), the quest for sustainable power solutions has emerged as a pivotal challenge. With the IoT market forecasted to surpass US$1.6 trillion by 2025, the demand for efficient power solutions has become increasingly pressing. However, the reliance on traditional batteries poses significant environmental and logistical hurdles, driving the imperative for sustainable alternatives.

The IoT market’s exponential growth, fuelled by advancements in connectivity, sensor technologies and data analytics, underscores the critical importance of sustainable power solutions. With over 75 billion connected devices projected to be in operation within the next decade, the reliance on conventional batteries is unsustainable in the long run. The proliferation of IoT devices, ranging from smart home gadgets to industrial sensors, has led to an unprecedented surge in battery consumption. The sheer number of batteries being utilised not only presents challenges in terms of resource depletion but also raises concerns about the environmental impact of battery disposal.

Rising demand for alternatives

Certain sectors within the IoT industry stand out as particularly in need of alternative battery solutions. For instance, industries such as healthcare, where continuous monitoring devices are extensively used, require reliable and long-lasting power sources to ensure uninterrupted operation. Moreover, in industrial settings, where sensors and monitoring devices are deployed in harsh environments and remote locations, sustainable battery alternatives can reduce maintenance costs and enhance operational efficiency. Additionally, in the realm of smart agriculture, where IoT devices are employed for precision farming and environmental monitoring, sustainable power solutions are essential to enable data-driven decision-making and optimise resource utilisation.

Despite efforts to recycle batteries, the process remains inefficient and often results in hazardous waste. Improper disposal of batteries can lead to soil and water contamination, posing risks to ecosystems and human health. In addition, the reliance on finite and environmentally damaging resources, such as lithium and cobalt, further exacerbates the sustainability issue. As the global demand for batteries continues to escalate, concerns over resource depletion, environmental degradation and geopolitical tensions surrounding resource extraction intensify.

The transition to sustainable battery alternatives is not only a matter of environmental responsibility but also a strategic imperative for ensuring the long-term viability of IoT deployments. By reducing reliance on conventional batteries, organisations can mitigate environmental risks, enhance operational efficiency, and contribute

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